May 18, 2016


There are Romeos and Juliets
Where death doesn't bound love
And there are Commonoes and Commonets
Where room partitions timeless souls
While we tell the world to look beyond their smartphones
We sit corners with our ears plugged earphones
The day starts fresh like the garden mint leaves
But dies down lonely filling up emptiness
Even the urge to infuse is subdued with gallons of egos
A gesture or two to make the presence known
But subtle and quiet to arise guilt
Because fear is also splitting us
Sudden jerks of freeze where the world stills down
The thought in its lighting gaze speed
Fancies how you can be the first one to extend a hand
And spawns the conversations further
A laughter or two sprinkled here and there
A tear flows down the left eye
But as she refuses to budge from the cozy bed
She continues typing into her screen
All the words left unsaid..


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